Organization Resources
Introduction to Organization Resources:
This page is a work in progress. Information will be added and replaced as time goes on. Last edited 11/02/2020.
SGi Recognition:
Coming Soon
Organization Provisions:
All SGi recognized organizations receive the following provisions: Access a group on the SJU App dedicated to their organization; reserve space (including room reservation tabling space) on campus through the processes set forth by the University; advertise their organization through flyers at the University and on MySJU; request a table at any St. John’s University Activities Fair; deposit money into a dedicated Revenue Fund managed by SGi; access a Campus Activities Advisor dedicated to their organization; request funding through the processes set forth by the Student Government, Inc. Budget Committee, the Professional Development Committee or the Campus Activities Board; receive an annual budget from SGi.
Organization Budgets are distributed based on a tier system. There are five tiers: Tier 1 = $100; Tier 2 = $300; Tier 3 = $500; Tier 4 = $1000; Tier 5 = $3000. The budget tier of an organization is reevaluated every year by the SGi Treasurer and the SGi Budget Committee based on the organization's spending from the previous year (that includes spending out of the organization's budget, special allocations, and earned revenue) with input from their Campus Activities advisor.
Advisors and Moderators:
All SGi recognized organizations are assigned a Campus Activities Advisor (this may also be called a "Student Affairs Advisor" or "Student Life Advisor" in other documents). A full list containing the advisor assigned organizations with their assigned Campus Activities Advisors may be found here. Campus Activities Advisors exist to provide organizations with support in balancing the challenges and triumphs of being active leaders, while excelling as students and responsible individuals. Campus Activities Advisors sign off on all paperwork regarding an organization, including: room reservation forms, budget requisition forms, contracts, and more. Failure to follow proper paperwork procedure will result in the cancellation of an event, loss of organizations funds, and possible loss of requested reimbursements. Campus Activities Advisors are not to be confused with Faculty Moderators.
The Office of Campus Activities urges each organization to consider selecting a Faculty Moderator to complement the guidance and support of the Campus Activities Advisor. Unlike a Campus Activities Advisor, the Faculty Moderator is an individual who serves as a faculty member of the St. John’s community and chooses to extend their knowledge and experience outside of the classroom. (Members of the University Administration may also serve under the role of "Faculty Moderator", although they are not technically faculty) His/her job is to serve as a resource to your organization and to provide the group with insight and feedback.
The Faculty Moderator is an additional resource for student organizations, not a substitute for the organization’s Campus Activities Advisor. Faculty Moderators do not set policies, have the power to sign paperwork, allocate organization funds, or override the decisions of your Student Life Advisor. Faculty Moderators work with the advisor to ensure the success of the organization and add value to the organization.
When considering a potential faculty moderator, make sure the organization’s members are comfortable with the choice and choose an individual from which the group can most benefit from. For instance, a business honor society might approach a member of the Tobin School of Business to be a Faculty Moderator. Remember to give your prospective moderator an explanation of the organization’s history, purpose, program description, needs, and expectations. This information will assist the potential faculty moderator in determining whether or not to take on the opportunity presented.
In addition to Campus Activities Advisors and Faculty Moderators, SGi Organizations Committee exists to recognize, oversee, and support organizations. They operate several programs each year to accomplish this mission, and are also open to receiving any organization-related questions organization leaders and other students may have. For the contact information of the SGi Organizations Committee Chair, see the page for SGi Committee Chairs here.
St. John's University Connect:
Coming Soon
Additional sections and subsections also coming soon.